Tateyama-Ando Group
Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science (CLS)
Institute of Science Tokyo (Science Tokyo)

Click here for the latest activities of Professor Tateyama. // Click here for the latest activities of Associate Professor Ando. // Click here for the latest  activities of Assistant Professor Sasaki.


2024/08/19: We held a farewell party for Lukas, who was staying with us as part of the JSPS Summer Program, and a send-off party for Zizhen, who is going to study at Brown Univ. (The first party in the group and the second party at an izakaya in Aobadai.)

2024/08/08: Associate Professor Ando, Assistant Professor Sasaki, Specially-Appointed Assistant Professor Luong and Zhou gave presentations at the CLS Research Report Meeting.

2024/07/19: Mr. Dan Ito (left), a D2 student in our lab, who won the poster award at Solid State Ionics 2024, and Prof. Nasu (right), an assistant professor at the Matsui-Kobayashi Group at Hokkaido University. (At the venue of QE II Centre in London)

2024/07/04: We held a farewell party for Greg and Harsh (both from Brown U.) who were visiting our group. In the second party, we went to a Japanese pub with Lukas, who is staying in Japan on a short-term visit through JSPS, and Prof. Tateyama.

2024/06/27: We held a party in Shin-Yokohama to celebrate the successful completion of the ‘Workshop bridging between theory and experiment on all-solid-state battery materials at Tokyo Tech’ held at the Suzukakedai Campus, with members of the Tateyama-Ando Group and the members of Prof. Yue Qi’s group, who were visiting us.

2024/05/22: This is what the research office looks like. You will be provided with a desk that is wider than standard, a chair, a large monitor and a laptop PC.

This is what the meeting room looks like. We use the whiteboard and large display for various discussions, seminars and group study sessions.

In addition to the Linux Cluster (pictured), we also use supercomputers such as ‘Fugaku’, ‘Tokyo Tech TSUBAME’, ‘Hokkaido University’, ‘Osaka University’, ‘The University of Tokyo Institute for Solid State Physics’, and ‘Institute for Molecular Science’ to carry out research that cannot be done anywhere else.

2024/04/10: Prof. Wolfgang Zeier and student Johannes Hartel from the University of Münster, who are at the forefront of research into all-solid-state batteries and solid electrolytes, visited our laboratory. Here they are in a commemorative photo under the cherry blossoms in full bloom.

2024/03/13: Prof. Michael DeVolder (Univ. of Cambridge), who is also a GL at the Faraday Institution, a virtual battery research institute in the UK, visited the NIMS Tateyama Group and had various discussions and exchanges in addition to the seminar.

2023/08/23 A student tour from the Materials Society of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) visited NIMS, and members including GL Tateyama hosted them.