Tateyama-Ando Group
Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science (CLS)
Institute of Science Tokyo (Science Tokyo)

Tateyama Goup has explored break-through of theoretical/computational/data-driven science on energy materials and nano materials, related to battery, fuel cell, solar cell, catalysis, as well as contribution to development of novel materials. Electrochemistry, interface science, and ionics as well as quantum mechanics and statistical physics will be the main fields as well. To develop new theory/method/concept for those targets and predict new materials, we need to be very careful to keep the accuracy and predictability.  To this end, “eagerness”, “patience”, “objectivity”, “flexibility”, and “cooperativeness” will be essential. We would like to have people with such motivations in our lab. I’m really sure that one will be more than excited when she/he finds new science and materials for the first time in the world.

Experience of first-principles, quantum-chemistry, molecular dynamics calculations as well as machine learning research will be highly desirable, while they won’t be mandatory requirements. We’re also ready for collaborations with industries to understand the microscopic mechanisms or explore the new materials/systems.

If you’re interested in our group, please feel free to ask Prof. Dr. Yoshitaka Tateyama ( tateyama.y.aa/at/m.titech.ac.jp ( /at/ should be replaced by @ )).

(Abbreviation below)

Tokyo Institute of Technology = Tokyo Tech ; Institute of Innovative Research = IIR; Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science = CLS

School of Materials and Chemical Technology = SMCT; Chemical Science and Engineering = CSE

  • (1) Open recruitment: Researcher (PDRA), Tateyama Group, CLS, IIR, Tokyo Tech.
  • (2) Doctoral program via IGP(C) Fall intake (2025/9 enrollment), Tateyama Group, CSE, SMCT, Tokyo Tech.

NOTE: Merger of Tokyo Tech and Tokyo Medical and Dental University will be done in October 2024. They will become “Institute of Science Tokyo”.


(1)Open recruitment: Researcher (PDRA), Tateyama Group, CLS, IIR, Tokyo Tech.

  • Projects:
    • DX-GEM: Digital Transformation Initiative for Green Energy Materials (Headquarter: The University of Tokyo, PL: Prof. Masakazu Sugiyama) / Theoretical calculation group (We’re working on high-throughput materials search.)
    • JST-CREST [Exploring Unknown Materials] “Development of Molecular-Crystal Solid-State Batteries” (Hitosugi CREST, PL: Prof. Taro Hitosugi, The University of Tokyo) / Computational team (We’re exploring novel organic ion conductors.)
    • JST-GteX [Storage battery Area] “Development of Sodium-Ion Batteries Free from Resource Constraints” (TL: Prof. Shinichi Komaba, Tokyo Univ. of Science) / Mechanism Elucidation Group (We’re contributing to Na-ion battery development, as an alternative to LIB.)
  • Deadlines: Until the positions are occupied. (Earlier is better.)
  • Application: Via email.
  • Job information (pdf) : 240601PDFellow-TateyamaGr-E

(2) Doctoral program via IGP(C) Fall intake (2025/9 enrollment), Tateyama Group, CSE, SMCT, Tokyo Tech.

English explanation will come soon.


  1. 第一原理計算、分子動力学計算、メソスケール計算、機械学習技術関連の手法開発(界面構造探索手法、非平衡MD法など)を中心とした研究。スーパーコンピュータ「富岳」等を駆使した大規模並列計算
  2. 電気化学、界面科学、イオニクス、エレクトロニクスの基礎に関わる現象のメカニズム解明と学理の再構築
  3. 蓄電池、触媒、太陽電池などの微視的メカニズムの解明と材料提案。
  4. 計算科学とデータ科学の融合・併用

Contact: Prof. Dr. Yoshitaka Tateyama ( tateyama.y.aa /at/ m.titech.ac.jp : Please replace /at/ with @)